1 research outputs found

    The Initiation of the Beautiful Uncanny

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    In recent years, there has been a movement in arts and one of the interests was in the uncanny where it was relating to surrealism. Previous artwork has addressed the Freudian uncanny concept as an unfamiliar, frightened emotion that is negatively disturbing. However, the concept of Nicholas Royal that uncanny can be strangely beautiful has opened up a new sight that been followed in this thesis. The artwork and art exhibition on fine art are mostly descriptive on creating acceptable uncanny artwork with a sense of beauty. To address the uncanny differently than what used to be and shed the light into the site of beauty to respond, a practice-based research has been carried out to highlight that uncanny can be perceived as beautiful in art. The fundamental aim of this research is to characterise a clear understanding of uncanny beauty. The three research exhibitions of this work were targeting the understanding of what I call“ beautiful uncanny”, as there is a reflective process in the relationship between the imagination of beauty with the uncanny feelings in a body of visual work. In the light of previous literature, related artwork and my understanding, a creation of human figures, hybrid with insects, through sculpture, based on photography have supported the theory of uncanny as being beautiful with further validation based on testing the responses of the viewers who attend the research exhibitions. The qualitative research has been used in this study to conduct the data of the questionnaire and semi-structured interview. The findings of the study have revealed that the importance of classifying uncanny as being beautiful without any rejection is to establish an artwork that increases attraction and curiosity toward knowledge through understanding the actual feelings of the presented artwork. Therefore, that has proposed an original contribution to the knowledge of the perspective of "The Beautiful Uncanny”